AMED -The “Conference on the Kurdish Question and the Future” took place in Diyarbakır. The conference, which was organised by Dengê Magazine, included three different panels.

Politicians, intellectuals, writers, academics and representatives of civil society organisations took part in the conference. During the conference, the Kurdish question was discussed in the context of historical perspectives and how it was perceived by both Kurds and their neighbours. The suppression of Kurdish rights and freedoms and the role of academics and researchers in addressing these issues were also highlighted.

One of the speakers at the conference, writer and researcher Îsmaîl Bêşikçî, emphasised that historical developments have shown the importance of unity between different ethnic groups and the need to recognise the rights of other nations. He argued that the Kurdish future should not be based on ethnicity alone, but rather on a comprehensive plan that recognises the rights of all peoples.

The aim of the conference was to promote dialogue and understanding of the Kurdish issue and to emphasise the importance of recognising the rights and dignity of all communities in the region.