AMED TIMES - Every year on 3 August 2014, at 10:00 am, everyone in the Kurdistan Regional Government holds a minute's silence in memory of the Yezidis who were subjected to DAESH attacks. In 2016, this was recognised and confirmed by the United Nations as the "Genocide of the Yazidis" The same recognition was also accepted by the Iraqi government.

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Karwan Haji, the media representative of the Yazidis in the Lalish region of Duhok, told Amed Times on the occasion of the Yazidi Remembrance Day on 3 August that they will organise commemorations with different events throughout the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and other regions where Yazidis live.

The agreement for Sinjar has not been implemented

Karwan Haji explained: "Unfortunately, 10 years have passed since the last genocide against the Yazidis, but there is still no security and peace in Sinjar. Various illegal armed groups are still enforcing their own laws in Sinjar. An agreement was reached between the Kurdish regional government and the Iraqi government on the political, social and security issues in Sinjar. However, the agreement has not been implemented. The responsibility for the implementation of this agreement has been transferred to the Iraqi government," he explained.

The Iraqi government must take care of these people

Karwan Haji pointed out that more than 60% of the Yazidis are currently displaced and said: "This poses great difficulties and problems for the Yazidis. More than 85% of Sinjar has been turned into ruins and is now labelled as a destroyed city. Furthermore, there are no more international organisations in Sinjar. The Iraqi government has to take care of these people. Sinjar is the place with the most unrest and insecurity in Iraq. Illegal groups and armed groups are in Sinjar and it is unclear who these groups, which are preventing the establishment of peace and security, are serving," he said.

Recognised as genocide by the United Nations

In June 2016, the UN Human Rights Council recognised and declared the attack by ISIS/DAESH on 3 August 2014, which led to the killing, abduction and displacement of hundreds of thousands of Yazidis, as genocide.

Kaynak: HABER MERKEZİ - Çeviri